My miniature armour is made in exactly the same way as the full-size armour of the period, i.e., completely hand forged, both hot and cold, from flat steel using many iron anvil stakes, Bichorns, hammers, files, punches, and hollowed tree stumps. The making and assembly of my miniatures do not incorporate any modern pressed or moulded parts whatsoever, and each miniature remains absolutely weld free.
I am so meticulous in the construction of this armour, even the helmet skulls are raised from one piece, not constructed of two halves as modern imported reproductions often are. Each shoulder harness also incorporates the typical six moving plates (depending on the particular armour of course). This offers full rotation from waist to overhead. This is often more articulation than some of the wearable reproduction armour I regularly see for sale.

As you will see from the internal pic, even when certain lames can’t be seen when the armour is standing, such as Pauldron, Couter and Poleyn lames, the correct articulation is still in place. The detailed photograph shows the correct four lame Poleyn articulation in place, each lame with the perfect orbit and gliding perfectly from standing to squat position. The same photograph shows the rear Greave plate being tried for size, this notoriously difficult to shape plate is very rarely seen on reproduction armour, presumably because the armour is designed to stand flat against a wall and not invite close inspection.
My miniature armour is made from many different gauges of steel, predominantly 0.8mm as a starting sheet gauge throughout, but as with the Solerettes, Sabatons, and Gauntlets, often 0.6mm and 0.4mm steel is used for the smaller more intricately articulated pieces. Each miniature is typically composed of over 60 separately forged steel plates, and over 140 hand-made iron and brass rivets. Once I am satisfied that each plate is the correct shape, and it works perfectly with its neighbouring plate, each riveted piece is then heated and slack-quenched to provide uniform hardness and temper, which ultimately results in a superior and fluid articulation, requiring no force at all.
Each piece articulates perfectly with its own weight alone, just like full size armour of the period did the day it was made.
Z 006 Tonlet fighting pair showing different visors and Ash hafted weapons courtesy of Christies London
Z 004 Nigel Carren Tonlet Fighting pair courtesy of Christies London
Z 003 Fully articulated fighting pair of miniature Tonlet armours, each comprised of 71 separately forged steel parts
Z 002 Fully articulated fighting pair of miniature Tonlet armours with different helmets and one piece skulls
Z 001 Fully articulated fighting pair of miniature Tonlet armours courtesy of Christies London
V 002 Early Nigel Carren miniature Greenwich armour shown in optional safe case
V 001 Early Nigel Carren miniature Greenwich armour with Ash hafted polearm
G 003 Miniature Greenwich style Armour for field and tournament complete with codpiece or Brayette
G 002 Miniature 16th century Greenwich style Armour for field and tournament showing four piece Cuirass and deep Greaves
G 001 Miniature eary 16th century blackened Greenwich style Armour for field and tournament
F 002 Nigel Carren one sixth steel Cuirass complete with all straps and buckles. Made for fabulous Tony Barton miniature
F 001 Nigel Carren one sixth steel Cuirass made for fabulous Tony Barton miniature
E 004 One sixth scale English Civil War armour complete with working locks and buckles
E 003 Miniature one sixth English Civil War armour made from patterns taken from period pieces
E 002 One sixth scale three bar pot helmet with one-piece skull. Tony Barton made the fabulous head
E 001 Miniature one sixth English Civil War armour complete with Ash hafted Polearm
D 005 Miniature horse armour showing Crupper and flared Crupper plates
D 004 Miniature horse armour embossed Cantle plate and Crupper
D 003 Miniature horse armour leather straps and buckles. These three are for under the neck to hold the Crinet
D 002 Miniature horse armour on bronze horse complete with leather straps, working buckles and chainmail
D 001 Fully articulated miniature horse armour with bronze horse standing on an English Oak plinth
C 015 Miniature two-handed sword with twisted gold wire handle
C 012 Miniature leg armour with narrow Solerettes instead of Sabatons for fitting inside stirrups
C 010 Shown with the Greave open. This picture shows the six pieces needed to offer perfect knee articulation
C 009 Miniature Greenwich armour leg articulation test
C 008 This miniature Polish Winged-Hussar helmet was made approximately half size to compliment a similar boys armour
C 005 All miniature armours come with a weapon. Typically an Ash hafted pole-arm
C 004 Any type of helmet from any era can be recreated in miniature
C 002 Surely the worlds smallest working steel Armet. One-piece hand-forged skull and wrapper
C 001 Miniature Grand Bascinet with one-piece hand-forged skull and working buckles
B 004 Nigel Carren modelling two miniature suits of armour destined for clients in Tokyo
B 003 Just like period armour of this type each miniature tonlet armour has a hand-forged one-piece skull
B 002 Each Tonlet armour is fully articulated and comes complete with ash hafted weapon
B 001 Each miniature armour stands at just over ten inches in height so is approximately one sixth scale
A 006 Fully articulated miniature horse armour showing Crupper and Cantle detail
A 005 Fully articulated miniature horse armour and knight on hand carved Limewood horse standing on English Oak base
A 004 Fully articulated miniature horse armour showing Besagues and poleaxe
A 003 Fully articulated miniature horse armour showing Shaffron and Rondel
A 002 Fully articulated miniature horse armour and knight complete with deerskin saddle and chainmail
A 001 Fully articulated miniature horse armour and knight on hand-carved limewood horse with Poleaxe and Bascinet
Each of my fully articulated miniatures typically weigh 300 to 400 grams without the stand, base or weapon. Each miniature typically stands approximately 10 ½” tall in its own right i.e, not including the stand, which makes them approximately 1/6th scale. Why 1/6th scale? Simply because this is the smallest I can make them with working articulation, but I am happy to make them to any scale at all, all you have to do is ask.
Each armour comes numbered and marked, and comes complete with steel stand and oak base. When not on display or when in transit, each of my standard scale 1/6th miniatures armour can be undressed and packed safely in its own Baize lined wooden case, this is included with each armour. A perfect gift for the collector who thought he had everything!
“This is truly remarkable, the detail and skill to create something so intricate and small is astounding… Well done you!”
~ Andrew Norman, Rockingham Castle ~
“You are the most excellent artist with profound knowledge and skills, I am so excited to have found you.”
~ Tazio Kimura, Private Collector ~
“We think this commission will be an investment.”
~ Bob & Gloria Long, Private Collectors ~
“The miniature armour is fantastic. Your pictures don’t do them any justice… you need to photograph them with something to show the scale more… Because they just look full size!”
~ Nigel Simcock, Private Collector ~
“The miniature Tonlet armours are fantastic! I don’t see how you are able to create such small versions of complex armour.”
~ G.S, Private Collector ~
“This is truly remarkable, the detail and skill to create something so intricate and small is astounding!”
~ Andrew Norman, Rockingham Castle ~
“First class work in miniature… Wonderful!”
~ Nicholas McCullough, Christies London ~
“A fine study in miniature with beautiful detail. Surely a must have for every collector!”
~ David Williams, Bonhams London ~
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests at all, whether it be for full size armour for wear or display, a study in miniature, a single helmet, or all the kings’ men, I welcome any challenge or restoration.